101 Funny Memes to Make You Smile 您所在的位置:网站首页 29 funny minion memes to boost your mood 101 Funny Memes to Make You Smile

101 Funny Memes to Make You Smile

2023-03-24 04:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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The internet meme. While the term ‘internet meme’ was first coined by Mike Godwin in a June 1993 issue of Wired. While there is some debate about the first meme, internet memes vary from everything from funny memes to memes about pop culture, the day of the week, and everything in between.

While you can say that all memes are technically funny memes, only the best memes can truly become classic funny memes. We did the heavy lifting for you and scoured the interweb for the funniest memes ever. Here is my collection of 101 funny memes to help bring a smile to your day.

1) Let the funny memes begin! 101 Funny Memes -

“There’s a 50% chance these are full of buttons.”

3) Moist funny memes? Anyone? Anyone? 101 Funny Memes - "May your turkey be moist and may no one use that word to describe it."

“May your turkey be moist and may no one use that word to describe it.”

4) Do you know what doesn’t stink? Funny memes. 101 Funny Memes - "Ha, ha!! Now your pee stinks!"

“Ha, ha!! Now your pee stinks!”

5) Funny memes for dummies. 101 Funny Memes - "How to Even for Dummies."

“How to Even for Dummies.”

6) Maybe he stares at the funny memes on your computer. 101 Funny Memes - "This albino squirrel comes to our door and rubs its nipples and just stares at us."

“This albino squirrel comes to our door and rubs its nipples and just stares at us.”

7) 101 Funny Memes -

“One of my bar guests was rude, obnoxious, and kept complaining about her ‘weak drinks’. Didn’t write ‘thank you’ on her check.”

10) 101 Funny Memes - Patrick riding a seal. 11) Give it up for funny memes! 101 Funny Memes -

“Why couldn’t the bike stand on its own? Because it’s two-tired.”

12) 101 Funny Memes - "When you show somebody a picture on your phone and they start scrolling."

“When you show somebody a picture on your phone and they start scrolling.”

13) While you’re at it, share these funny memes on Facebook right meow! 101 Funny Memes - "Get those reports for me right meow."

“Get those reports for me right meow.”

14) 101 Funny Memes -

“Chemistry puns? I’m in my element.”

18) 101 Funny Memes -

“Come in here and say that again. I’ll f**k yr s**t up dry boy. Leg-havin a** land b***h.”

20) Funny memes that hurt. 101 Funny Memes - Baseball player slides into butt. 21) 101 Funny Memes -

“When you’re cooking & the recipe says ‘chill in the fridge for one hour’.”

23) 101 Funny Memes - "How can u eat these precious creatures????? Is this rhetorical or are you looking for recipes??"

“How can u eat these precious creatures????? Is this rhetorical or are you looking for recipes??”

24) I’m not bragging either but these are some dank funny memes! 101 Funny Memes -

“Don’t worry, I have everything under control.”

29) 101 Funny Memes - "$25 + $5 shipping. $30 free shipping."

“$25 + $5 shipping. $30 free shipping.”

30) 101 Funny Memes - Dancing kiddo. 31)

“And then I say to her, I say, ‘no, I got your nose’.”


“I want to sit and read outside but there’s a glare on my iPad screen.”


“When you’re going a very reasonable speed and someone beeps at you.”

42) "Woke up today. It was terrible."

“Woke up today. It was terrible.”

43) Funny memes are everything.

“My favorite frequency is 50,000Hz. You’ve probably never heard it before.”

45) Hot funny memes. "Hot Pockets Tide Pods sandwiches. The forbidden fruit."Hilariously Funny Memes –

“Hot Pockets Tide Pods sandwiches. The forbidden fruit.”

46) Funny memes…engage. "When I turn the A/C off to have more power in my car. How it really is. What it feels like. Convert all power from the life support to the main thrusters."

“When I turn the A/C off to have more power in my car. How it really is. What it feels like. Convert all power from the life support to the main thrusters.”

47) "If it fits, I sits."

“If it fits, I sits.”

48) "Watching a new TV show. Watching The Office again. Me."

“Watching a new TV show. Watching The Office again. Me.”


“2018 Super Bowl selfie kid: ‘Who is Justin Timberlake’.”

50) Dog walking on hind legs. 51) You’ll never feel out of touch with these funny memes.

“Me watching myself do the bare minimum to get through life. You’re doing amazing sweetie.”

54) Pumped up funny memes. "And for the lady what drink can we get you? Me: a beer."

“And for the lady what drink can we get you? Me: a beer.”


“When you tell your mate to look at the person behind them but don’t make it obvious.”

57) I love to sleep but love funny memes more.

“Me: 911, what’s your emergency? Caller: Help, there are 2 armed men in my home. Me: LOL, so. If there were 3 armed men THAT’D be crazy. Like mutants.”

59) Relatable funny memes. "Minecraft in real life."

“Minecraft in real life.”

60) Husky dog showing teeth. 61) I’m luvin these funny memes!






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